Update on progress with community-led building development on Whitchurch Road


Update on Progress at Community-Led development Whitchurch Road

Apart from one bungalow, which is being considered for early allocation to an exceptional case of local need, none of the other homes have been provisionally allocated.

The allocation process will not begin until 2-3 months before the completed homes are handed over for occupation. Completion will not be before November 2024.

Currently the builders are only able to do minor infrastructure works due to the fact that main electricity connections have not been completed to the site.

The previous building contractors had based their proposals on the belief that a connection to an existing transformer would be sufficient to service the new homes.

However, when approached, Scottish Power advised that a new separate sub-station would be required , and that they would not be able confirm their programme to install , until all necessary legal documents have been completed .

In order for the access road to be adopted (and thereafter maintained) by Shropshire Council, two small areas of land leased by the Medical Centre and owned by the Grocott Family Charitable Trust need to be encroached on as part of the access footpath and road.

Shropshire Council will not agree to adopt the road unless the footpath can be included.

Three sets of lawyers are currently working on the agreements and it is believed that their work is nearly complete.

If you are interested in occupying one of these new homes, the only application route is through Shropshire Council’s Homepoint scheme.

You must be registered with the scheme to be considered.

Go online at   www.shropshirehomepoint.co.uk  or telephone 0300 303 8595.